Welcome to My World
With all the talk about blogging, I finally decided to take the plunge. If you lived in North Dakota, you would know that taking the plunge in November can be breathtakingly frightful. It is only 22 degrees, so it's enough to "shiver your timbers" this morning.
But, we'll try to keep the news hot enough to spice up your life, at least a bit. For starters, I just updated my website, since Halloween is a mere memory--and a few tummy aches--today.
I will share with you information on my books, what I am working on, what new magazine and e-zine things I have available to add to your fun of the day.
I hope you will share a bit about yourselves with me, as well. After all, what fun is a diary if nobody tries to steal the key and sneak a peek now and then?
Make it a good day, and I'll see you all back here tomorrow. Meanwhile, I will be working on Old Habits Die Hard. Patrick and Grace just insist on keeping me on the mark with this one, although they keep wandering off the main roads in upstate New York. And Sister Babs--well, she's definitely something else!
With all the talk about blogging, I finally decided to take the plunge. If you lived in North Dakota, you would know that taking the plunge in November can be breathtakingly frightful. It is only 22 degrees, so it's enough to "shiver your timbers" this morning.
But, we'll try to keep the news hot enough to spice up your life, at least a bit. For starters, I just updated my website, since Halloween is a mere memory--and a few tummy aches--today.
I will share with you information on my books, what I am working on, what new magazine and e-zine things I have available to add to your fun of the day.
I hope you will share a bit about yourselves with me, as well. After all, what fun is a diary if nobody tries to steal the key and sneak a peek now and then?
Make it a good day, and I'll see you all back here tomorrow. Meanwhile, I will be working on Old Habits Die Hard. Patrick and Grace just insist on keeping me on the mark with this one, although they keep wandering off the main roads in upstate New York. And Sister Babs--well, she's definitely something else!
At 9:27 PM,
JanetElaineSmith said…
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Remember when they didn't start decorating until after Thanksgiving? Maybe that wasn't a bad thing. Does it "wax old" by starting too soon? Maybe it's just that I have never grown up, but I already put the holiday look up on my website. I hope you will check it out at http://www.janetelainesmith.com.
And speaking of Christmas, the new release of A Lumberjack Christmas should be out this week. I am so excited. It has the cover it was originally supposed to have. I love it! To my dear friend, Bonny Crow, who does such a terrific job, thank you!
If you have feelings one way or the other about when we should start to celebrate Christmas, I'd love to know your feelings. In the meantime, why not track down a copy of A Christmas Dream and set the mood? It is the favorite of all my books. Readers are comparing it to Miracle on 34th St. It was considered by Hallmark for a made-for-TV movie. Alas, it lost out--rumor has it--to Debbie Macomber and her Christmas angels, Shirley, Goodness and Mercy. If so, I guess that's OK. I do love her devilish little cherubs. Sigh! If it had to be someone else...
Let there be peace on earth, Lord, and let it begin with me! Merry Christmas, Debbie Macomber!
At 8:40 AM,
JanetElaineSmith said…
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood... OK, I know, enough with the Mr. Rogers impersonation.
It really is, though. The sun is shining, and it's above freezing! The election is past, so we will not have to hear "And I approve this message" for a long, long time.
Today I have to finish writing the Christmas drama for our Sunday School. I am going to make it a fun one. The one for last year had our minister's wife doing a "rap." If you would like a copy of it, just e-mail me at janetelainesmith@yahoo.com and I will send it to you. It has very few cast members, and not a lot of costuming.
OK, I'm off and running for the day. Hope you make yours a good one, too. And don't forget to drop by my website for some fun and great gift ideas. I will be putting a new contest up there on Dec. 1, so check back often.
At 6:09 PM,
JanetElaineSmith said…
It is almost Thanksgiving. I can't believe how fast the year has gone. I remember back when I was young, people said the older you get, the faster the time goes. I have enough stories in my head to keep me busy until I am at least 124 years old--and new ones keep cropping up--but if the time keeps flying by, well, I just don't know how to keep up.
I just want to tell you that one of the things I am the most thankful for is all of you who write to me to let me know that my books have made a difference in your life, even if it is just to invoke a smile from time to time. My first book, Dunnottar, was published in June, 2000. For years I told my family that all I wanted for Christmas, birthdays, Mother's Day, etc. was to have one of my books published--and a sexy nightie. Just a little over 4 years later, I still have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming when I go to amazon.com and see 13 of my books up there for sale--and comments from people like all of you. Oh, and I bought myself the sexy nightie. Only problem is that most of the time it is way too cold to wear the silly thing!!! And, it has ostrich feathers on it, so it makes people sneeze if they get too close to me when I have it on! Whole lot of good that does!!!
Anyway, have a very Happy Thanksgiving. And I don't care what they say, you can never eat too much turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie!
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