About Me
- Name: JanetElaineSmith
- Location: Wisconsin, United States
Former missionary-turned-romance writer. Living out my dream vicariously through my novels.
Fun lifestyles, charitable acts, great fiction, author support, Patrick and Grace Mysteries, Keith clan trilogy,
At 12:23 AM,
kvm said…
HI Janet, In a Bible study this evening I brought up Eddie Menaldino's name. I was wondering if my favorite song by him was on YouTube so I checked that out after class. As I was searching for information, I came upon your blog with a link to his obituary. I was unable to get it, and am hoping you will be able to email it to me....photo it and send? I never met him, but have his album and the song A Name I Highly Treasure is special to me. I bought his album back in the early 60s. I never met him. But his music has been special to me all these years.
My email is kvm119@icloud.com. I have a gmail account also, but never access it.
At 9:52 PM,
Arnold Gregs said…
Hi nice reading your posst
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