It IS a laughing matter

Ivan and I woke up this morning, and Ivan began reflecting on how things have changed since we were first married--40 years ago. The rent for our first apartment was $53 a month, and that included the 4-channel cable TV service. The fuel oil to heat it cost $.16/gal. Gas for the car was about the same.
Now, we pay over $300/mo. for the lot rent to park our trailer house. OK, I know, to be politically correct, it is a "mobile home." It still feels like I'm part of the "trailer tramp circuit." But, be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
Suddenly, a funny thought hit me. When Jesus was living here on earth, once he grew up and moved away from his mother and father, He had no home at all. It seems to me like He went from town to town, camping out with His friends. And then I thought about the time He spent with perhaps His closest and dearest friends--Mary, Martha and Lazarus. And how on one of His visits to them (in Bethany), He heard that Lazarus had died.
I think Jesus must have been a "man before His time," as perhaps He was worried about political correctness, too. I mean, surely tongues would wag and people would gossip about His staying with two single women! Such a thing! So, He did the only thing He could do! In order to "avoid all appearance of evil," He simply raised Lazarus from the dead so He would have a safe place to stay on His future trips through town.
A good comedian knows that "timing is everything." So it was particularly amusing when my good friend, Glenda, sent me an e-mail, picturing Jesus laughing. It was done by a fellow in Florida, at a seminary. He chooses to remain anonymous. I had never really thought about it before. Yes, I had often reflected on His delightful sense of humor as He spun tale after tale, calling them "parables." But the idea of Him out-and-out laughing? The Scriptures tell us that He loved the little children. Did He never laugh with them? Of course He did! He was human, just like we are.
So, as you go throughout the daily grind, take a little time to think about Jesus laughing. Laugh with Him. If you don't think you have any reason to laugh, just look around you at all of His children. There is nothing funnier than our fellow "human beans," as my dad used to call them!