George, are you pulling my leg?

Twitter. It seems like everybody from news commentators to comedians, and most everybody in between them, is talking about it these days. I had refrained from joining up because as you know, if you follow my blog, I frequently forget that a blogger must blog. I knew, basically, that a Twitter-er is supposed to tweet, and I figured that was one more thing I didn't have to worry about. But that was then, and this is now.
I was all a-Twitter when I got a notification in my mailbox the other day from somebody saying that they were following me on Twitter, and they invited me to follow them as well. I immediately recognized the name, even though I would not have known how to spell it except that it was in the e-mail invitation. I was sure it was somebody playing a prank or a practical joke on me. Why on earth would George Stephanopoulas want to follow me? I could see him wanting to build the numbers up for his followers, but it was a puzzle as to why he would pick me, or how he even found me.
Well, I decided to put on my Sherlock Holmes cap and grab my trusty little magnifying glass and investigate a bit farther. I clicked through on the link, and it SAID he was George Stephanopoulas (see? I'm even learning how to spell it!) and it even had the link going directly to the ABC network Twitter place. It seemed legitimate.
In case you don't know who George Stephanopoulas is, he's that dashing young fellow you see on Sunday mornings talking to all the big shot politicians and financial advisors etc. Or you can catch him as the "expert" on Good Morning America quite often. He is in Washington DC, so I suppose by now he has met Bo, the newest member of the Obama family up close and personal.
So, now my only question is this: George, I'm extremely flattered, but I want to know the rest of the story. Paul Harvey is gone, but his memory lingers on, and I'd like you to pick up where he left off and fill in the blanks for me. How did you find me, and why do you want to follow me, and where will you take me since I did click on and I am now following you. I can only hope that you have a Google Alert set up so you know that I'm onto you! You can run, but you can't hide, not once you have bared your soul on Twitter.
You can either post a comment here, or if you would rather keep it under wraps, you can email me privately at, or if you prefer, you can just tweet at me. I'll be watching and waiting.
Labels: book reviews, George Stephanopoulas, Obama, Paul Harvey, Twitter