Life is like a rollercoaster!
Wow! What a ride this life as an author is. It is definitely the craziest one I've ever been on, but also the most fun! I know I've been MIA on here, so I will try to catch you up on all that's been going on.
First, Pampas is now available. It's gotten some fantastic reviews and a lot of bookstores have ordered it in. It's not selling millions of copies a week, but it is selling dozens of copies a week. I'll take that.
Speaking of bookstores, if you have a Hastings Bookstore near you, please check to see if they have Pampas in. They have been WONDERFULLY supportive of my books and putting them on their shelves. I have spoken to a man at their corporate offices, and they are the friendliest bunch of people I've ever met. I've called almost all of their store managers in over 20 states, and haven't met a bad egg in the bunch! They are what makes being an author worth it all--that and all of you that are reading my books. I thank you, too.
And They Called Her General Leigh has left iUniverse. It will soon be out from PageFree as Ane We'll Call Her General Leigh. That should give it a fighting chance in bookstores, too.
I have had quite a few people ask me to do publicity for them. I don't want to become a publicist--except for my own books. So, I have come up with a compromise. I call it Your Personal Marketing Plan. I will give you the tools that will make your books a success, but only if you follow through and do the leg work to go with my brainstorms. Each plan will be personally modeled after your own book and your own author information. I have already gotten several clients, and I'm having fun with it. If you want more information about it, email me at .
I am also doing my editing as a freelance editor. I am very glad of this, as I don't have to read books that (in my opinion) are so bad that they should never see the light of day. I don't believe in censorship, but we don't need more violence and obscenity in the world. We get enough of that by watching the nightly news. That is why my books are "feel-good" books and they will always have a happily-ever-after ending.
That's what I'm doing. I hope you are all busy and enjoying your life as much as I am. Please leave a comment to let me know what you are up to, too.
First, Pampas is now available. It's gotten some fantastic reviews and a lot of bookstores have ordered it in. It's not selling millions of copies a week, but it is selling dozens of copies a week. I'll take that.
Speaking of bookstores, if you have a Hastings Bookstore near you, please check to see if they have Pampas in. They have been WONDERFULLY supportive of my books and putting them on their shelves. I have spoken to a man at their corporate offices, and they are the friendliest bunch of people I've ever met. I've called almost all of their store managers in over 20 states, and haven't met a bad egg in the bunch! They are what makes being an author worth it all--that and all of you that are reading my books. I thank you, too.
And They Called Her General Leigh has left iUniverse. It will soon be out from PageFree as Ane We'll Call Her General Leigh. That should give it a fighting chance in bookstores, too.
I have had quite a few people ask me to do publicity for them. I don't want to become a publicist--except for my own books. So, I have come up with a compromise. I call it Your Personal Marketing Plan. I will give you the tools that will make your books a success, but only if you follow through and do the leg work to go with my brainstorms. Each plan will be personally modeled after your own book and your own author information. I have already gotten several clients, and I'm having fun with it. If you want more information about it, email me at .
I am also doing my editing as a freelance editor. I am very glad of this, as I don't have to read books that (in my opinion) are so bad that they should never see the light of day. I don't believe in censorship, but we don't need more violence and obscenity in the world. We get enough of that by watching the nightly news. That is why my books are "feel-good" books and they will always have a happily-ever-after ending.
That's what I'm doing. I hope you are all busy and enjoying your life as much as I am. Please leave a comment to let me know what you are up to, too.
At 9:02 PM,
thewriterslife said…
Whoa...Janet, you are on a roll! Isn't blogging fun???
At 2:10 AM,
One in the crowd said…
i have been on yahoo writelist for quite some time but been a fence, i decided to make an exception...and i m glad...there is a very slim chance of me getting Pampas. Nevertheless, congratulations on this success.
At 8:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Janet,
I, too, am a blogger-author. I think it's a great way to communicate with readers while polishing those writing skills. My author's blog is at
My first novel, Lost in the Ivy, is coming out in late summer/early fall. This morning I purchased your Promo Paks: Marketing for POD Authors. I just began perusing it and really like it. It is filled with great advice and wonderful anecdotes. I'm looking at the marketing aspect of my book with an equal mix of fear and excitement. I'll definitely be using a lot of your sage advice when I do hit that marketing road. Thanks for writing this valuable tool for authors.
I'm going to keep checking in on your blog. I hope you'll be posting often. You're a true inspiration.
At 10:33 AM,
Elizabeth Delisi said…
Hi Janet,
You're right, you DO have to write in a blog once in a while! I have to remember that myself, on my own blog. ( Sounds like you're staying really busy, and I wouldn't expect any less from you. You're one of those people who, when I read about her doings, I get dizzy. :-) Keep up the great work!
At 6:44 PM,
Robin Bayne said…
"I am also doing my editing as a freelance editor. I am very glad of this, as I don't have to read books that (in my opinion) are so bad that they should never see the light of day. I don't believe in censorship, but we don't need more violence and obscenity in the world."
I agree, Janet, though I wouldn't mind getting a shot at having a few erotica readers pick up a copy of my book--you never know what will happen : )
I used to be a first-reader for Treble Heart Books, and had to do the initial readings of all kinds of stories. One was so disturbingly violent I had to give it back to my publisher--I just couldn't do it. If it had been up to me, I would have rejected it outright.
Glad you're blogging again!
At 4:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
You ever continue to amaze me! I can vouch for Janet's skills at publicity and her program is defineitely worth it! Her books are wonderful, original and heart warming and now that she is blogging! Look out world!
Cate Cavanagh
Gifts Of The Spirit
Her Godmother
Grief Dance
At 6:09 AM,
Penelope Marzec said…
Congratulations on all the activity. Yes, promotion is tough. I read Guerrilla Marketing for Writers and just reading it made me tired. :^) Selling books is WORK!
Good luck with your sales.
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