Follow-up and friendships

I love it when one simple e-mail or blog leads to a new friendship. I feel one coming on with Marty, the gal in the last blog post, after we connected over a pumpkin pie. One just never knows where something might unexpectedly lead.
Anyway, yes, the picture is Marty. Below is her return e-mail to me.
Wow! You are quite the writer and no, I’m sorry to say, we don’t have any of your books. I do order books through Ingram and when my budget improves (currently I have none due to reduced enrollment in these economic times), I will certainly be adding some of your titles! What fun to have made contact with an author . . . it makes my day to make these unexpected connections . . . writers, books, librarians and good food! Who could ask for more?!
Which brings me to a nudge for some of my fellow authors and/or readers. I used to be a bit concerned about libraries that stocked my books. My reasoning was that if a person could get my books to read for free, why would they bother to buy them? Don't get me wrong; I love libraries. Many of my books could never have been written if it were not for the friendly reference librarians all over the country who not only willingly helped me with my research, but were almost as enthusiastic about what I was writing as I was.
But my opinion has changed. For one thing, libraries, as Marty expresses, are facing dire financial hardships. Also, each time a person reads a book that they really enjoy from the library, they are apt to talk it up to their friends, might buy a future book for themselves because they enjoyed a certain author, or purchase a book they read for a gift for someone else.
So, if you have a couple of extra copies of your own book, it is well worthwhile to donate one to the libraries in your own area. This might also lead to a booksigning or some other type of event where you can actually sell some of your books then. Libraries, especially smaller ones, love regional authors. If you read a book that you enjoyed, but you don't have the shelfspace to keep it, donate it to the library so others can enjoy it as well.
Marty, you made this a happy day for me. I hope all of the rest of you get a little "surprise" friendship in your e-mailbox too.